Rocky Mountain Manual Therapy Institute's employees are highly-trained, experienced and dedicated to the success of our business.
Pete Emerson
Pete has over 25 years experience in manual therapy and has been teaching manual therapy courses for over 25 years. He has taught throughout the U.S., Korea, England, Scotland, and Switzerland. He served as keynote speaker at the 1997 and 1999 OCPPP conference in England, and was a guest speaker at the 2000 APTA conference in Denver. Pete has trained in many aspects of manual therapy including high velocity spinal manipulation, MET, cranial mobilization, joint mobility techniques, and neuropathodynamic mobilizations.
Shingo Tanaka
Shingo Tanaka was born and grew up in Amagasaki, Japan. He received his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Youngstown State University in Ohio. He worked as a student trainer for 6 years in the college and was also certified as an athletic trainer in 2007.
Shingo worked in a privately owned outpatient physical therapy facility until 2009 when he moved to Colorado. He worked in Rangely District Hospital (RDH) in Rangely, Colorado until 2015 as manager of the physical therapy department. At RDH, Shingo treated patients in a wide variety of physical states, including: acute, subacute, long-term care, outpatient care, as well as home health care situations.
Shingo started his own practice, Red Rocks Manual Therapy, in Grand Junction in 2012 where he has helped scores of patients using manual therapy techniques. He is the only certified therapist in Western Colorado who uses the three-system approach technique. Utilizing manual therapy, Shingo can identify the cause of a patient's joint pain, among other issues.
The continuing competence provider has established processes for developing, administering and documenting the activity.